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  • Game Like A Mother

Best Worst Ice Cream & Hurry Up Chicken Butt

I am thrilled about these new games from Exploding Kittens. Preschool kids are often the most eager to play games on repeat and it's such an amazing thing when they find a game to play that not only they enjoy, but siblings, friends, and extended family are happy to play with them. Best Worst Ice Cream and Hurry Up Chicken Butt from Exploding Kittens both fit in this illustrious category!

I don't think we have a favorite between the two games, although they do have different audiences. Hurry Up Chicken Butt is basically Hot Potato but improved! And it involves more active game play so it is great for siblings or for play dates. You roll a die inside of plastic chicken and do activities while it clucks quietly. You win if you're the last person to have performed an action before the timer runs out. It's so cute and I love how none of the kids seemed stressed while they played, the fun activities make it so they seem to forget about the timer aspect of the game.

The Best Worst Ice Cream is a kid friendly version of Mantis, another fantastic game by Exploding Kittens. You're flipping out cards and trying to match them to the correct stack of icky ice cream flavors like hot dogs, eye balls, and worms. If you fill up your ice cream cone you win! This one is a favorite among parents and grandparents because you don't have to run around while playing, although siblings and friends were very excited about this one as well. We had to leave it at our friend's house when we brought it over because it was way way too much fun and they needed more play time with it after we left.

I was so impressed by how easy these were to learn how to play and how joyful everyone was whenever we played the games. It's wonderful to play a game and have kids begging to play it on repeat! Thank you Tryazon and Exploding Kittens for sending me these wonderful games!

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