Hey Anne,
I hope y'all get a chance to relax some this holiday season and the start of the New Year. I knew I would be getting some games for Christmas and was waiting to play them so I could tell you my thoughts. Also do you set new year resolutions? I call them goals that way it seems more feasible. Anyway, one of my goals is to play a game every day. I figure this way I could get through my shelf of shame a little bit faster. The other thing I like to do to get through the shelf of shame is every family game night we have to try at least one new game. Otherwise that game I got for my birthday (which is in July) will stay in it's unopened, unplayed state 6 months to a year later.
I was curious how you felt about bringing some of the more expensive games ($30 and more) to your board game events for children. There are some games I would like to bring but I am concerned about kids breaking it or losing pieces. I want to share amazing games but I don't want to waste my money due to a child not respecting the games. Part of me acknowledges that I can't control if that happens or not, however I don't want to risk it. This could sound petty and selfish. I hope it doesn't. What are your thoughts? I suppose the best I can do is mention at the events that we should treat the game with respect and not bend them or damage them in any way. I don't like to mention that I buy these games or that they were given to me because that could be construed as bragging.
For context, at my last board game day at the library there were 30 people there; one of the families had small children that tore the instructions for Operation. It is a used version of the game that I purchased from Goodwill and we all generally know how to play it. It feels frustrating to deal with minor stuff like this when trying to be polite and welcoming. Honestly, the last game day if I didn't have help from my friends would have been so frustrating. My friends (and their kids) respect the games, clean up the games before starting a new one, and can be depended on to return a game to me in the same state they borrowed it in. Some of the newer patrons were not cleaning up games (so pieces were getting mixed up), putting pieces in their mouths, taking pieces out of the room (one marshmallow for Slappy Camper was found by the entrance to the outdoor area- a good 20 yards away. I never would have looked there for missing pieces.) ,and tearing things up. I tried to put the more durable games (ex: acorn soup, picky kitty) as recommendations and steer away from games that involve cards. Thank God, my friends were there to help me. I think that over a certain number I need a second pair of hands to help. Sometimes I will clean a game up a little but leave it assembled (ex:shark Mania or bounce off) that way it is staged for instant play. How do you deal with large numbers of people at your board game events? What number do you cap off your events at or do you not apply a cap to your events?
Here are some game suggestions:
Goat's Day Out by thinkfun/ravensburger- There is a book series Vincent likes titled "Inspector Flytrap". Inspector Flytrap has a goat assistant named Nina. He loves Nina. When he is not a pretend cat, he is a pretend goat. Super fun times, right? I know I will look back and say "it was so cute when you pretended to be a goat." However, I don't like it when he chews my hair. Sorry, for the digression, this goat themed game is very fun and one of the rare games that I have played with the max amount of players (though, it does add extra time to finish the game). We thoroughly enjoy this game every time it gets pulled out. Some of the items that goats eat can be strange (ex: underwear) but it makes kids laugh so I guess that is a win win. There can be a "take that" element if someone places a "pot hole" in your goat. However, in our games, nobody has done that yet. We tend to choose to get the silver coin or bar of gold instead. As an added bonus, the publishers have a nice how to play video. I can honestly say this is one of our favorite family game night games. Here is the link for the how to video; well as the link for the game on amazon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcNrfftPBcI https://www.amazon.com/Goats-Day-Out-Hilarious-Addictive/dp/B0CB74TXY2/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1DACM7TA901PL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.syIfOFx3WeMkqF_cDw2rA3RttQywxyqEY0CgTwrhScr3n6wqoadUUSndIOXBWFNQiDgGoMPalIDcTV7ge68e5g.KFS8fRO0feNkWVVMBhAZIGfsKYviJqs3gUONiQPmZeI&dib_tag=se&keywords=goats+day+out+game&qid=1704933336&sprefix=goats+day+%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-5
12 Drummers Drumming- I picked this up in the "impulse" aka waiting in line for checkout while at Barnes and Noble. I don't own many holiday themed games and bought it for $5. why amazon is selling it for $20, I don't know. On to gameplay, my mother and I played this game several times. Vincent didn't get into it at first then he decided he needed to referee the game. I think he was biased for some reason because I kept losing when he refereed. Anyway, we enjoyed the mechanics of this game. The goal of the game is to get cards number 1 to 12 in order first or be the last player standing. If you can't put down a card, you are eliminated from the round. It doesn't take up alot of space table wise and very travel friendly. I wouldn't play more than $5 though. As a side note, the artwork on the cards is super cute. Here is the link in amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Professor-Puzzle-Drummers-Drumming-Players/dp/B0BRSS4G6P/ref=sr_1_1?crid=XAS4XQW19ELI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.B-hYwcPfnKTFONlQKmoEpwk9jPTaIX5EehSw9fD8NBFLI04O6OrJ9a_Trke9MSy9GrezRyya5yU16Etd-UoQZTSgl5J8sMR1SzImb2nhlK0uthKeirymMvANUlVFa-yAUONVx1wvmh5n3N4-iV9UNg.0_sJOsQ1EfhelYxDSYHFsWZF2Z5uahpjeWvnrborsNQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=12+drummers+drumming+game&qid=1705278101&sprefix=12+drumm%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-1
The Egg Game by Pikkii- This game is very active. It has the funniest and some of the most difficult (and unusual) ways to pick up eggs and tasks to do with them. The goal of the game is to be the first one to score 12 points. You score points by completing the challenges on the cards. You earn 1 point if you complete it with the fake egg provided and 3 points with a real egg. Some cards require a partner and both people get the points. Vincent loves this game. Physical games are his preference generally. I tried this game at board game day at the library and I got nervous about kids accidentally hurting others (The fake egg could hurt if thrown with force) and breaking something. The house rule with this game is that we don't use real eggs and the winner is the first to 6 points. Otherwise, we will be wasting eggs and playing a lot longer. There is no "take that '' element to this game unless you count the luck of pulling a good card versus a more difficult task card (ex: roll the egg across the table with your nose versus roll the egg across the room with your nose). This could be mitigated by pulling 2 cards and choosing which card to do. Plus, it is travel friendly. I even thought about using rhythm eggs, which are lighter and could be a replacement egg in case the rubber egg it comes with breaks or gets lost. Here is the link to the publisher how to video and the amazon link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oGLl5HfEQ8. https://www.amazon.com/Pikkii-Family-Challenges-Outdoor-Travel-Sized/dp/B0CCPMKFL9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=YIC2GJ4YMF7M&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.aDgoistRWnBo3qwlRt8W6jN3n4sYfdJYcx_FsZgqeaWCVYdqm3B3BPK5n20g7d5D_fmvPIwSwst-9eUuTzZAECmkFg34YR4EN2-eBT3zm35ojzK7jbuwyXJobiio03KLtQ4ATKKK8sOYkfTyMb7Wxw.2CHVhp2caGh0254_COV3TFY4zKWq9UWE-v4w5PaY5_Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+egg+game+pikkii&qid=1705278795&sprefix=the+egg+game%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-1.
Here Kitty Kitty by fireside games- Another cat game! It went on sale and I couldn't resist. I think I told Vincent it was a present for finishing a school year. He wasn't impressed until we placed it and he wanted all the orange cats. There is a "take that" element to this game; However, there are so many different ways to score points that Vincent stealing a cat from me might just help me out. It is a simple worker placement-ese type game because you use your cards to decide what actions (you can only do 2) you do and where to place your cats. The cats are so cute. Vincent likes to position them so it looks like they are watching the tv on the card or sliding down the slide if they are in the yard. There are red cards that affect everyone; so then the group can groan together and say "aw, man I was so close" or "yes, I can grab another cat.". This is one of those games I would be worried about losing pieces at a board game day. The cats are small and easily possible to lose. At least at my house, if they get lost, generally we find them later. Here is a "how to play" from the publisher and the amazon link. https://www.amazon.com/Fireside-Games-Here-Kitty-Board/dp/B01AWPUCB4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=37HZ0TAS4MO2M&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YW9qtH8ABJpI0xtryuBuVGFjpiShPJ4C5WUZJJ09yuXgR9GQSQAqXQbdBapO6IwgXhiKlOfbdfwjWL1jQ1CE2LNOAGK0cRDGTQYubCt00ob8A7pqxCajnIfXi1k2FIF33V8APcwfTy4BGbFmryTY5w.qqMl_1stmjfpexodYvxbbEGeH8YFFIrPyxs6YMe-eg0&dib_tag=se&keywords=here+kitty+kitty+board+game&qid=1705279446&sprefix=here+kit%2Caps%2C240&sr=8-1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVyskmS6BGo
Diced Cheese - I used to live in Wisconsin and can't believe I never saw this game. Granted I lived there for 1 year almost a decade ago and it looks like this game came out within the last 2 years, so that is probably the reason. This game is perfect for carrying around in a purse. It is quick and fun. I tested with my friend's daughter while waiting for gymnastic class to start as well as with Vincent and a random little girl while waiting for a bus at Walt Disney World. Vincent and the girl were talking and I decided to test the game. Luckily for me, they agreed. I like how quick this game is as well as the simple rules. We do a house rule where turns go around in a circle that way it is more "fair" (at least, as fair as a dice game can be). The components are well made. We have the glow in the dark version of it. The plastic is high quality and should last a long time unless I purposely try to rub out the black writing or rub down the dice. The case is a screw tight case which I appreciate because I have other plastic cases for games (ex:pizza party) where the case doesn't like to stay shut. Here is the amazon link as well as two how to videos from the publisher. https://www.amazon.com/Diced-Cheese-Game-Family-Friendly-Players/dp/B09CHJXZRC/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=1ZFQGY9XUHA33&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.K0qcC_QuJOddyjom8A-NptsGlxgeOa34ouofE3WHHPBFKXT7YdypBQ6Q3JlTlM9c6Xgdp3W05gXnB_kLtb6fAFTlOJt3-XYMsjq_p1gVhiRbXdLupTL_W3hiV9uF7zVmqFI4giMtmu8fRrfyMOL8ZQ.f74FJgR9ZKhH5xK6gy_OACFHEqYPaQmW6quecwb8nWs&dib_tag=se&keywords=cheese%2Bdice&qid=1705280122&sprefix=cheese%2Bdi%2Caps%2C251&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFnvU3yovUY. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9w0sQ26WXg.
Dragon's Cave by blue orange- I can't find this game on Amazon. This was on my shelf of shame for a while. I picked it up for $15 in the Walmart clearance section. This is the first "bluffing" type game we have tried with Vincent. In this game, you put down a token face down and hope the "dragon" doesn't pick your token. The dragon is a role that all players exchange every turn. In a three player game, by the end of 3 turns, all the players should have the dragon once. If the dragon doesn't pick your token you can advance on the game board. There are several decisions to make: advance to collect coins, advance to move the most spaces, don't advance instead put your gold in the chest. If the dragon picks your token then you risk losing your gold. The player with the most gold in the end is the winner. With blue orange games, it is difficult to tell if it will be too simple or too complex. The components of some blue orange games can be cheaply made as well. This game is well made and at $15 very enjoyable. As an introduction to bluffing games, it is a good one and worked well for us. The dragon can be a "take that" element but it is not a mean spirited type of "take that". If the dragon picks the card you put down, you put your coins in either one hand or 2 hands and have the "dragon" guess which hand your coins are in. If you are lucky, the dragon will pick incorrectly and you get all your cards back. There are other rules I haven't mentioned and this video reviews them well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4wVqUeWT_c&t=197s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhv_VxFqtvk.
Fluxx the Board Game- This was another member of my shelf of shame until recently. I liked the small size of it and I don't own regular fluxx (only 4 other versions of it); so I bought and finally convinced my family to try it with me. They liked how they could set the rules in the beginning. We had to draw 4 cards, play 1 card, discard to a hand size of 2. It was challenging but fun since the rules continued to change. Vincent is 7 now (as of December) so the publisher's recommendation of 8+ is somewhat accurate. I think kids' ability to read factors into their ability to play this game or in general, fluxx. Not alot of "take that", at least it didn't feel like it. Here is a video from the publisher and the amazon link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN87AoqTLVk. https://www.amazon.com/LOONEY-LABS-Fluxx-Adults-Strategy/dp/B0BT68SWQL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=35NSWM4CHKRGV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.jf_0ZziM6k4LULTcYAkKc_7rg6fVJNKKDo5FEd_A3tThVLAyJ-mqKh6XGS5khKHVmDAN_w1s9XhPoR_pPIKFd44DgGkqp084x9HUAio0ilm-zSDxvsZAxPgnfQj547iYWeRf4dPQBbsYFefG8CJmMQ.pC_WdyL3LR_sbOPcBpFnf5hHHsJZ2gm6Sifnux53Tes&dib_tag=se&keywords=fluxx+the+board+game&qid=1705287379&sprefix=fluxx+th%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1.
Fiction by boardgametables.com- Vincent didn't like this one as much as he thought he would. He wanted to be the lie-briaian. I thought this would be a funny word game to help make spelling fun. It didn't work for us at this time. I plan to shelf it and play with other people until Vincent seems ready for it. It has a lot of potential to be a fun family game. If you like wordle, you will probably like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3ZXL-1n14o&t=113s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QQXV8-XZTg. https://www.amazon.com/Fiction-Board-Game-Inspired-Deception/dp/B0BWP1HVL3/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3E2YNOW3LKUSB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wXyMMqOyizQz9lG1G1BbFCvJTGSKAVqx6kWwGV_fHqpVShLhggsy-s4YBCLEru4YfmaLDnA9C3hSgynV8hWB5dT3V2lUtNSLdyB4AzS6dX7T0eu_CfRl8cmsyudw24AtXROuAg0QtKiKYHSnnalKXKHQ1U7limvbsVKkajfqFyWm76zEZmWkSrF0DtfwHqTf9o9NGevACgJxDX7-9_vQGc43--ORhutUZzkMGMjEmkpUHHiASt-6wA5HwrJxbJSvWQv5V0_6b5fn8pmmjGkjNH-ITGDT5UH58Uoh57VBh_Y.NGotV8AV3LRJuC0R_XfBY3qdfl8VNtgVPkm61IGx6sc&dib_tag=se&keywords=fiction+board+game&qid=1705782566&sprefix=fiction+board%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-2
Roll to the Top by boardgametables.com- In November, the publisher had a black friday sale bundle that included 3 games, 1 expansion, and 1 box insert. My mother bought it for me for christmas and this game was part of it. Roll to the top is a nice, simple roll and write. I usually play it solo but look forward to playing it with multiple people. I like games that I can play in chill mode around others and not take up a lot of space. All I need is a dice tower with dice and a playsheet with writing utensil. I can still be with my family playing my game and they can be playing their video games. We can still talk and laugh. Overall, this is a very enjoyable game. Here is a review and link to Amazon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70lgk-mkMtc&t=653s. https://www.amazon.com/Roll-Top-Journeys-Roll-Write/dp/B0BXM7599G/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3R61H0CYNPPLO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DfwHIfZ83vuyRe0LREvb9SAa14ok4g-OmzqbXiyzYlZ5z2j2RqnqFmtXKK6o4CRF1acCp2d9vtdty-Hr5PoKJ4OZQqXeJBkX6ZXis57jXSRmdaolsEjeTqvYlCiwbMpXkDBo2Za3FBeqwYhmC-7cw5FACtYQxxr-ZXE2K7quipv2tEYXmxWoUmW2mesVuNtlmsMRWUimKqHIkHe_wbOUXLriXLEv-ho2Pg_t-OfAh5iFRjBtRmOdUK1_bmEto4yKHTFXzlPAxor9CjxtxirLESyVBjKY2rWUCS2gaJt6Kb0.Hj_MdP94e6IBudqYpiE4K2u44PXRh7UqP8-rUCQzW_8&dib_tag=se&keywords=roll%2Bto%2Bthe%2Btop%2Bboard%2Bgame&qid=1705783123&sprefix=roll%2Bto%2Bthe%2B%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1&th=1.
Avocado Smash Party Edition by ridley's games- This is very similar to the Avocado Smash with some changes. I like the house rules this reviewer suggests. One of the things he comments on is how long the game can take and he's right. Vincent likes this game but my husband, Andrew, doesn't like it as much due to the length of possibility of a long game. We try to have a time limit to keep it shorter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKiV6Jjj03I. https://www.amazon.com/Ridleys-Avocado-Smash-Party-Edition/dp/B094Q722TC/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3P1S53E5GU0MP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WrjfkU9dIFc9RVjsbURfKswBDlYFZbwwesBzsyrQI7OcPDMHX6M-v6OCt9-Pycb75a1LNEjccTiGFM5Sa7DrH80AWLQI4skRMfN_oGOv1ZfMA60cywLyUS82JXV2L-Xpy5qGWu2ArMRbx2AvPphd3F_KaXYNT1C3kHw6GJ8Ko2cW4gPGAtTHiKJkgLUDlsm4J1kS2MMCZYKJrYBvA10hTpSGUG16ZD8gYd-ocgSF-2760hpxcDPAZsE5ZRbiTW2rjgCooVhhVPNTrj5P4sU6mG_SMolbcOTEQXNggVxG0NQ.uA_pOJ7PSSrcVnDU3PtdwQrgK50F-9RhAuMgSoBZc7o&dib_tag=se&keywords=avocado+smash+party+game&qid=1705784268&sprefix=Avocado+smash+p%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-4.
Sea Salt and Paper by pandasaurus- Vincent has become interested in origami and this game was on my shelf of shame. We pulled it out and Andrew loved it. I didn't quite get the scoring system and Vincent didn't like it. He still tried it but it will be one we play with him when he is a bit older. Personally, we only played it once. Sometimes, I don't fully understand a game until I have played it a couple of times. This game falls into that category for me. I like the color blind considerations they put into it. My neighbor is color blind and can usually do okay with games. But I like that the game designers thought about it.
Rolling American by gamewright- this is a nice travel friendly roll and write. I thought this would be a nice game to teach/review geography as well if I need to get creative. Here is a review and play through. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbBhzGtI9a0. Here is a link to amazon https://www.amazon.com/Rolling-America-Star-Spangled-Action/dp/B013C1IVDG/ref=sr_1_2?crid=5N9C3HD6LXP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.I8DE9ezq7dtGV9gLRrSGj2L5to1sRQ3DxAlx4DchE-DYREKjpNpkhpJVufa-PDWFmkNvNzPB1JUytXFqEM00hgCfMJWCPK3r23UMHK6CJGP-GdNHknA5ZX3Zg4QGLWzui-15ivi8qsDDa0oAadYU0USOx_GRHruRqAYk1kUZjS21hC1e1-kd4GGXdJs3x3ingNvJmHarBV2xc-UMCcv014ano7y7oW7r5XDL_JDTFDvLBmxXl0olvPgziWZ-rtWiDywwWLujXG9dG1g1saQchGOs_92Oo6BzpZ5DqKVaz-A.mU_X7Q6xoqsZpqgEtWf6ZEbTT8SragWMtWhHWgyKSdI&dib_tag=se&keywords=rolling+america+game&qid=1705784925&sprefix=rolling+am%2Caps%2C333&sr=8-2.
Choose Your Own Adventure House of Danger- I loved books like "choose your own adventures" when I was growing up. There are some many more now similar but it is a about a fairy tale or an historial event. I found this game at the library book sale for $4. It is so much fun and easy. I played one of the chapters with Vincent and 2 friends. They seemed to like it. Here is review for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRT_ScUvaRg. Here is a link to it on amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Adventure-Strategy-Cooperative-Z-Man-Games/dp/B07CN6XBKJ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2DWRPH8XDYMJJ&keywords=choose+your+own+adventure+game&qid=1704846443&sprefix=choose+your+own+adven%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-5
Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle- This a co-op deck building game with legacy components. You have to start with year one, then year 2 and so on in sequential order. Andew and I have played year one. I played it with my friend's 10 year old as well. It was so enjoyable that when I saw an expansion on sale at Barnes and Noble I purchased it. It made me think about the starwars deck building game we have, except that it is not cooperative. Here is a review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2JdKM5gzzg. Here is the Amazon link https://www.amazon.com/Hogwarts-Cooperative-Building-Official-Merchandise/dp/B01EIKRP0K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3I7QGMB36HV4I&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.URKFK7qFJ_5wYnTmgUZ8bcr2hMXP8LdISsq6lrgts5vNDhHg20WgU66IuZtTVP0BX5h8SPKLo_FuJ17WFb-1vqImknFdVn9QOyH3xbRyCcA3kqLlJYTparJkTYMEN0ztaX7_hk2Sj6aP9xdaVQYaVrh8YQ-ZGn4KWahKUD8vfYsnyQlQTWeofrOYKps5c0hvSdyxYQgHtQ9e97qiTd7PEmZyL6Tm-ZNHZOZxCMfu0197UNEu-S7rBSuHFN26csJbJ8OpCbOP1mdnLN1SDMLutV32oQoolw0dFWZ-Sf9ISp8.MVDF5JIyDdWMA76MUhDVFDIUHcurduENhQ_nwmCjpSA&dib_tag=se&keywords=harry+potter+hogwarts+battle&qid=1705785846&sprefix=harry+potter+hog%2Caps%2C218&sr=8-1
Good Omens an ineffable game- This is co-op game with 7 different games build into it. We have only battled against "war". This could possibly be good with kids since it is co-op. It is nice for travel because some of the games don't take up a bunch of space. As well as that fact that there are 7 different games you can play with it. Here is a review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjVdtqinOlM. Here is the amazon link https://www.amazon.com/Good-Omens-Ineffable-Exclusive-Co-Operative/dp/B0BV92YK3X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=OVTCW1VY6JI4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4MM5XN5q76VqESI0pLnQf-Abwsavhix_rWBovicly9HZtUDY2Lx-kb49FygdH1d7iK3y3-_wsEit1Svlx5BGMkQZmDhB52XgxSra0FNsGOUMlJrxw4QngG5TrqnMtJQC87f2WM-Rl6GOLetPZsyzfOrI8CJUUv3-O-Zndn46BRz6occ1Qk-0gviFVgZriE5AqsmKv2yPN2Pki72fuGhjDSytE4YFB46Es3n7uz2oNi8.3api3oRT60S0qXHb7k4YnjvNgw3OEwLJUE2kif42MmM&dib_tag=se&keywords=good+omens+an+ineffable+game&qid=1705786170&sprefix=good+omens+ine%2Caps%2C311&sr=8-2
Ex Libris- I like book themed games; however, a lot of book themed games that I come across tend to be about spelling. This game is more about card drafting and tile placement (even though it is cards). I got the 2nd edition because I liked the look of it better. Also I usually play this solo. The following review talks about multiplayer playthroughs. Here is the review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWvHyoBp5dg&t=54s. The link on amazon is the 1st edition printing.
I hope you and your family have a good weekend! Quick question, which board games would you recommend in app form? I recently saw Explorers has an app and was curious if it was good. I have Potion Explosion, Hey That's My fFsh, Birds of a Feather, and Paperback in app form. I think you might have a video about apps but I'm not sure.