Pancake Pile-Up
Overall Rating: 7/10
Age: 4+
GLAM Age Range: 2-6
Number of Players: 2-12
Playing Time: 5 min
Publisher: Educational Insights
Complexity: Low
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Quick Take: Active, social game. It’s cute, little kids get the concept quickly and it can work for a wide range of ages playing together simultaneously. Great party game for kids although it gets the most use at my house when I read off a card to my three year old and time him filling the order on his own as quickly as possible. Great for cold or rainy days.
How to Play: The goal of the game is to fill your order card before the other person or team team. Each team draws an order card and then has to run back and forth between their plate and the box with all the different pancakes to make a large stacked pancake pile with a pat of butter on top. It takes two seconds to explain, a great quality in an active game for kids.
Variations: If you have teams of varying ages you can let the littler kids put their finger on the different pancakes they put on the spatula so not as much balance is required. Or you can make bigger kids walk backwards. Also, I’m a big fan of letting kids mess around with the game in a non-competitive way, just taking turns building the different pancake piles is often a lot of fun for little kids.
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